Employer Branding on TikTok

The competition in recruitment is so great that it is necessary to choose methods other than the traditional ones to attract new talent. The likes of an attractive job advert or a good careers site are no longer enough. Something much more interesting and less traditional is needed, such as TikTok. This popular social network is turning into a powerful tool for strengthening not only employer branding and talent acquisition. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at how to incorporate TikTok into your communication mix as part of making your employer brand more visible and attractive.


TikTok is changing the game

The TikTok platform offers companies a unique way to reach potential employees and engage them in employer branding. Traditional methods such as posting job ads on job portals or exhibiting at job fairs are gradually giving way to new, more creative avenues. TikTok, which was originally used to entertain and share short videos, is transforming into a place where companies can share their culture, values and work environment through short and engaging videos.


Creating an engaging employer brand on TikTok requires a deeper insight into the process. Mark Johnson, a well-known creative on TikTok and an experienced human resources professional, says, “The key is to convey not only the work environment but also the atmosphere itself through the videos. Users want to see real moments and the people behind the brand.” It’s about combining humanity with a company culture that can engage, he says.


Why use hashtags

In today’s digital world, hashtags play an extraordinary role. Well-chosen hashtags make it easier to find company-related content and bring much more visibility. Hashtags can also lead to greater video distribution, can increase reach and encourage interaction between users.



Maintaining authenticity and originality is key when creating content on TikTok! Users are primarily interested in authentic moments and human stories. When companies show their employees as they are and don’t succumb to creating only the perfect one, they have a much better chance of reaching their target audience.


Working with TikTok creators

One of the latest trends is working with TikTok creators. Connecting their personal brand with your company culture can create amazing synergy. This collaboration increases brand awareness and reaches new talent.


Measurement, analysis, optimization

A key element of any successful strategy is monitoring data and responses. This also applies to employer branding at TikTok. Tracking data regarding the success of TikTok profiles and published videos allows the company to measure the success of content and receive valuable feedback. Adapting the strategy based on real-time data ensures its effectiveness.


Practical examples of employer branding on TikTok

  1. Washington Post

As a first example of who has quality employer branding on TikTok, let’s take the American newspaper Washington Post. This company certainly doesn’t skimp on creativity. With humorous posts on TikTok, they advertise, for example, vacancies for interns or show their company culture.


  1. Starbucks

This global coffee shop posts short videos that show behind-the-scenes coffee preparation, employee stories, and the community regarding coffee lovers in general. This gives the impression that working at Starbucks is more than just a job, it’s an experience.


  1. Footshop

Footshop is also one of the companies known to have quality employer branding on Tiktok. They show interesting content on TikTok in this area which can attract many talented people. If you’re interested in more details check out their TikTok profile. Check out the recent post regarding being dog friendly for an example.


Overall, TikTok opens up whole new opportunities for corporate brands to strengthen employer branding and reach new talent through short, imaginative and entertaining videos. This new way of communicating with potential employees paves the way for greater engagement, authenticity and fun presentation of company culture. TikTok is becoming a key player in talent acquisition and employer branding. Whether it’s hashtags, authenticity or collaborating with influencers, TikTok brings endless possibilities for companies looking for new and innovative ways to reach their future employees.


Why involve HR marketing in your company

HR marketing (recruitment marketing or HR marketing) is becoming an integral part of modern human resource management. It helps to create a recruitment strategy and retain talent. In this way, companies can gain a competitive advantage in the job market and attract the best talent. It is therefore a powerful tool that can contribute significantly to a successful recruitment process. In today’s article, we’ll look at what its importance is and how it can help you attract new talent.


5 reasons why HR marketing is essential

While traditional recruiting methods focus on passively finding employees, HR marketing approaches the process as a market segment and uses marketing and communication strategies to attract talented individuals. Simplistically, we are talking specifically about inbound HR marketing or actively attracting candidates. In contrast, outbound marketing is the classic active outreach to potential candidates, for example via LinkedIn, etc.


  1. Attracting quality employees

Having quality employees in the company is absolutely crucial for companies. HR marketing helps companies attract and reach out to the best talent on the job market. A targeted approach to employee outreach increases the chances of attracting quality employees who will be interested in engaging.


  1. Building long-term relationships

Recruitment marketing is not just about immediate recruitment, but also about building long-term relationships with employees. Communicating with current employees contributes to their commitment and loyalty to the company. This results in lower employee turnover and better talent retention.


  1. Strengthening company culture

HR marketing helps to strengthen the company culture and values. Presenting the company’s story, values and achievements attracts employees who align with them. A strong company culture creates a pleasant work environment and promotes employee productivity.


  1. Increase employer brand awareness

Recruitment marketing helps to increase the awareness of the company as an employer not only among active but also passive candidates. When people know a company and have a positive impression of it, they are more likely to consider working there. This allows companies to have a wider choice of talent when filling positions.


  1. Employee involvement

HR marketing also contributes to higher employee engagement. Proactive communication, presentation of the company culture and development opportunities strengthen employee ties with the company. Engaged employees are happier, more loyal and more productive.

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